The Brookes Bros Timber merchants at Sewstern near Grantham, have had a water softener for a number of years. The hardness level is considered aggressively hard, and a water softener is an essential piece of equipment that is needed. The site house a total of 11 Kilns which various steam jets. These have recently been getting scaled up, and a sure sign that the existing softener was having problems. After closer inspection, it was obvious that the vessels had been loosing the resin. The defunct softener had two vessels of 50 litres of resin in each, and quite frankly, the softener had been over worked and worn out.
We decided to replace the softener completely and increase the volume of cation resin to 75 litres per vessel, with room to add more, if the volume increased dramatically in the future.
We decided to add a CLACK W.S. 1 valve, which is super reliable, but also logs any data, so we will be able to identify any increase in water consumption.
For more information on commercial water softening, please get in touch by filling in the contact form, or calling our team specialist for commercial water softening on 01400 288 008