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Writer's pictureAndy McPhilbin

Eczema & Dry Skin Update

For years and years, we have known that had water has a huge effect on Eczema and dry skin. In the night, sufferers complain of itching, and scratching.

Scratching due to Eczema
Hard Water and Eczema

Hard water has not got the ability to wash soap from your clothes when you wash in a washing machine, no matter how efficient the washing machine is. If this is true, then you are walking around, and sleeping, in fabrics embedded with washing powder. These soaps are irritants and cause damage to the skin surface.

We have made a series of videos to demonstrate this, and we will be doing many more to highlight the effects of hard water. Click the image below to visit our You Tube channel, and please subscribe, ITS FREE, and if you hit the bell, we will notify you when the latest videos are up loaded.

The Water Boy Aqua Concepts

There is a better way to help your skin. Fit a home soft water system, and never worry again! For more details visit the main web pages, and if you would like a home demonstration, fill in the contact form, and we will get in touch.

We want to make your water great.

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