I have had a long relationship with water treatment, even way before working for Ecowater Systems in the early naughties. I have always had an interest in science, and I was lucky enough to work for the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Nottingham. There in the labs we created nano pure water for research and development. When I retrained as a plumber, specialising into water treatment was an organic tangent.
My time at Ecowater was a huge learning curve, and I was hungry to learn. I enjoyed all the aspects of the water softening industry, especially the commercial, but I felt that I would be in a better position if I left and started my own water treatment business. So in August 2011 we, (My wife and I) made the decision, and Aqua Concepts was born. Whilst at Ecowater, I got to know Laurence Willis, who was one of the managers. He left to become a dealer manager for Harvey Water Softeners. I gave him a call to see if Harvey Water Softeners were looking for any new water softeners dealers, and fair play to Laurence, he got me a meeting with the founders son, Casey Bowden, who was running Harveys and really expanding the business.
Casey is a top guy, and offered me a dealership, and I can say, that he gave me such a great start in business. Later that year, I got to meet his father, Harvey Bowden, who in my opinion, has done more for the UK water softening industry, than anyone. He has gave many dealerships across the country, the chance to have their own business, and share his knowledge. The Bowdens are very inspirational.
Nearly 10 years on, with ups and downs, we are still enjoying the industry, and pushing the boundaries. This week I went to a service call, and had a surprise. The service record for this job had the history on. I had been servicing Ecowater softeners at that address since 2006.
We have the experience to make sure you get the right system. Get in touch!
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